There is so much pressure nowadays to be perfect. You gotta be camera-ready at any moments notice. What we say has to be perfect, especially online. Heck a lot of us live our lives in daily sound bites through social media. But the truth is no one is perfect and life doesn’t have to be as hard as we can make it out to be.
Striving for perfection kills so many good ideas
I’m not trying to say that you should never strive for excellence or not try to do anything right, but perfection doesn’t exist. Often times while people are trying to make something perfect, they never launch because they get stuck in a pattern of over editing or over analyzing.
I’m not perfect, I’m awesome
It’s okay to make mistakes. If you struggle with this I recommend writing down “I’m not perfect, I’m awesome” or “Not Perfect, Just Awesome” somewhere where you will see it every day.
Get comfortable with being uncomfortable
Allow yourself to practice and refine as you go instead of hiding away from the rest of the world while you try to make whatever you are working on perfect. Hit publish, you can always re-edit later. Post that video, you can always post better ones later. You have to start somewhere.
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