Did you brush your teeth this morning? I bet you did. And if you didn’t because you are having a really off day, something just doesn’t feel quite right. You feel off and unsettled. Brushing your teeth is a daily habit most people have and do without even thinking about it.
If you can brush your teeth every day, you can automate your success
New Life Pattern
You already have one positive habit going for you. What other positive habits or patterns can you add to your life that will aid in automating success? Just like homework helps you do better on a test through practice, what habits can you implement in your life that act as homework for success?
Decide what success means to you – and form your habits around that
This is something you need to decide because it is so personal. Everyone’s definition of success is different.
Once you know what you want, what activities are going to bring you the biggest impact on that goal? Pick one thing and try and implement it daily.
If you don’t know what you want yet, that is okay. Let’s start with one thing you can do that will give you more energy and self-confidence, like eating healthy portions or exercising. Remember to only start with one. You can add the next one when you feel more comfortable,
Give yourself enough time to form a new positive habit
I have always struggled with consistency – or so I thought. But dang it, I brush my teeth every day. Why? Because that was the one thing I stuck with long enough to actually make it a habit? Why? Because it wasn’t tied to a fear of failure. And well when I was little I had my mom reminding me. I don’t like having bad breath and I want to keep my teeth.
Be patient and give yourself time. It takes a very long time to make a new habit an automated part of your routine without thinking about it. Sometimes it takes six months to a year. And that is okay. You are in this for the long haul – because this is how you do life now.
It is amazing how the smallest tiny changes we make in our lives can have huge impacts over time. The problem is we don’t see these impacts right away and ego and impatience will lead you away from staying on course and setting a new life pattern for yourself.
Start teeny tiny and then work your way up little by little.
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